The Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauri

The Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauriThe Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauriThe Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauriThe Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauriThe Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauriThe Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauriThe Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauriThe Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited aCentauri

On Monday, some students from Gymnasium Lerbermatt Köniz visited our office in Technopark.

Simon Ramseier and Gian-Leo Willi spoke about the technical aspects of the car and our experience in Australia. The students brought so much enthusiasm, it was amazing to listen to their questions and see their excitement, especially for Aletsch!

Things like this make us happy: being able to tell our story, inspire others, and why not, maybe one of them will be a member of aCe in a couple of years. ☀️